Friday, January 14, 2011

Response to Wendy

I found this extremely hateful post on Wendy's blog
“It seems so unrealistic to me when I see a older brother helping the little sister/brother out because that's like a complete lie to me. How often do any siblings get along? Almost never. To those who are an only child, be happy for that because having a sibling is not all that much fun (actually, it more like hell half the time). It may seem to be boring, but life is a lot better when you don't have someone constantly trying to get you in trouble, or cutting off your internet when you're doing your homework.”
I have two older brothers, and they have both influenced my life like family should. After leaving my oldest brother in Australia, I haven’t really lived around him except for the two times I went there to visit. He has been one of my greatest role models as I was growing up. He never got mad to the point where he would put out his anger on others, even when my dad put him down with demeaning accusations. He didn’t even yell harshly at me and my brother when we did bad deeds. He would just calmly tell us how to clean up our spilled or broken mess. He was extremely hard-working, constantly going to school after he moved from China to Australia. I always looked up to his perseverance, care, initiative, and definitely patience. I also looked up to his height, since he is so tall, but that doesn’t really matter.
My middle brother has been around me my whole life, watching and teaching me about what is ahead of me. He is the reason I have such patience and care around people. He acted like my third parent, which I used to hate, but I now see why he did all of what seemed like selfish acts. He even pulled the internet trick on me that Wendy mentioned because I was on my computer to much. I now see that he only did such things, like making me wash the dishes or help my parents continuously. He was like my personal life trainer. He taught me to be respectful to my elders, responsible of the work that I could help with around the house, and even how to live without his help with problems, like fixing my bike tires and brakes along with technological computer stuff. My brother is the actual reason I know so much about computers and how to use them. He is also the reason for more than half the items I have. He is the person who shops for my needs and wants that my parents can not get me. He is also the person who kept my life fun, accompanying and introducing me to new things.
In the end, you can see how much my brothers have influenced me in life. They may be annoying sometimes, but it may actually be for a reason if you look through it not only your own eyes. My life would definitely be a life of boredom and a life of always messing up in life without my two brothers’ love and help..

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