Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal to Ebone

Though I agree that child actors should be more disciplines so they can create a positive impact to their watchers, but it is not really their fault for being curious as a human is. I found these quotes off of Ebone’s blog.
“If you make the decision to be an entertainer on a children's show, you cannot be caught in the news smoking a bong and getting high like this very famous young child actress, with millions of fans did recently. The things that children/teenagers see on TV influences and affects their behavior in real life. For instance, if a child admires someone like Batman and he/she sees Batman doing bad things, they are going to think it's okay because their role model is doing it and do it themselves. “
Even though I agree that what Miley Cyrus did was terrible and unforgettable, the blame should not be all on her. She is just a human being, and she is just as curious as the rest of us. I am not really surprised that she would have enough curiosity to go ahead and smoke something illegal. She just wants to have fun like the rest of us. Smoking a bong is definitely unforgivable, but there are plenty of worse crimes out in the world that people have absolutely no idea about. A lot of people just like to hate on whatever they can hate on. “They just feel more powerful when they put someone down, which is also disgraceful.
"If a child actor does something wrong parents are going to freak out and completely flip out about it to protect their children. Once again, Miley Cyrus got into more trouble with her new video where she is seen rolling around in a bed in her underwear.”
I believe that Miley Cyrus should have every right to wear whatever she wants. It is not like she is going to change how she wants to live her life just because a bunch of angry and overprotective parents want their children to live an innocent life. In the end, no child will ever live a life without knowing about natural things like sex. They may seem dirty, but it is here for a reason, to create new life. It is not like Miley Cyrus is going to spend her whole life looking and dressing like a child. She should be able to live and enjoy her blessed life without the nagging of unsatisfied parents.

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