Friday, October 1, 2010

Response To Shiyun

I got this really eye-opening quote that got me thinking from Shiyun's blog:
  Do we every classify our friends and put them in different groups? Maybe you would say no to this question, but later on you would understand what I mean. Have we thought we constantly use our friends just to make us feel better like they are tools to us. Are there some friends that are just your friends because you want to know more about them so that you can spread rumors? To notice the initial stages of a fake friendship you would notice that he/she would not care much about your feelings and they would be the one that is mostly taking control of you.
I noticed that I,personally, classify people in different groups of personalities and treat them accordingly all the time, but everybody has their own unique combination of them. Some friends are easier and more fun to talk to, and some are not. Some of them could be nice or mean, or even two-faced.. Some friends are helpful and studious, and some could just be unhelpful and lazy. Some people in your life might be easily taken advantage of and abused, but they might also be the people that are trustworthy and you could call a friend.

I have taken a few people for granted, and asked for some of their time when I didn't need it. But I only did that to them because I knew they were trustworthy and warm-hearted. They are the people that I would in turn spend my time helping since they helped me. These people are the people that I would label a true friend. Entity of trust is what helps build a helping mutual friendship.

For the people that I have around and are sometimes, but not always honest, I would still label them as a friend, just not a true and reliable one I would depend on. I believe that for one to be trusted, they need to be trustworthy in the first place. It should be a give and take thing, where the effort you put in is the effort you receive. Reliance is necessary for a true friend, so for the people who aren't repaying your efforts, they don't deserve your time and should be simply ignored. All they would do is aggravate your life, so they should be labeled as a fake friend, and ranked to the bottom of your list.

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