Friday, October 8, 2010

Response to Andy Lau

I got these great quote from Andy Lau's blog:
I am not going to lie, I am addicted to Facebook. I do not know why, but I always find myself going on that website without a goal or a legitimate reason.
I will also admit that I have some obsession with this terrible time-sucking website. I will go on it just because it is the only thing on my computer, since I don't have games, that will keep me a little sane from my boring homework. I usually tell myself that I will just check that notification, and get straight down to homework, but this doesn't work out as planned most of the time. I end up failing myself, and looking at some conversations that don't relate to me in anyway. I don't waste as much time on Facebook, since it does get dull, as on Youtube. I would go on Youtube for the same reason as me going on Facebook, and look at a video. After laughing hard at one, I look at the related videos on the side, and remember such I laugh I had, so I click that too. This leads to hours and hours of time wasted just because I saw a video that gave me a grin. This also happens when I see a video that is extremely interesting, like animal videos. I watch hundreds and hundreds of videos lasting from three minutes to an hour long, but this does educate me about the creatures around me. These so called educational videos have absorbed so much of my time that I don't get to do the actual work that helps my current education.
I know that Facebook is probably one of the biggest reasons why my homework and projects is not top quality. I also understand that Facebook has kept me from getting perfect scores on tests. Every time I work on homework, projects, or study for tests, I find myself browsing Facebook for no apparent reason; totally distracted. Only if this distraction was not in my life, I would do a lot better in school.
 Facebook and Youtube have completely rearranged my priorities of work. They somehow convince me that that extra minute of browsing or watching won't hurt my abundance of homework time, but that extra minute collects. It collects by sixties and sixties, making hours of time cut out from my homework. I end up starting at 7 p.m. or 9 p.m. when I actually sat down to work at 5 p.m. This leads me to sleep at around 12:30 p.m. when I could have slept at 10 p.m. or even earlier if I had done my work as planned. When I wake up the next morning at 7 a.m., I don't feel like waking up and yawn continuously during class.

Facebook and Youtube are such grade destroyers that give me so less that it takes, but even though it totally hurts me, I can not let them go.

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