Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay
    Blogging on the web is one of my favorite types of homework styles since I choose my own topics to write about, but narrowing down to one subject per post might be challenging sometimes. Another problem I have come by when writing is writer’s block, or a period of time where you become stuck and can not think of new ideas. Blogging has definitely changed how I write, like how I can spill an essay out of my mind that also flows and makes sense. I love the idea of blogging for homework since I could think of the blog topics at the top of my head and just write them. Plus, I have noticed my areas of struggle, and how I could decrease the amount of times that I stop to ponder about my ideas.
    Usually, I respond to other people’s post that I can connect to and write about, but when I do a free topic, I would write about something we had a quick write on during class like my post about which superpower I wanted or a fresh new topic that I had ready in my mind to talk about like when I wrote about my all time favorite thrill ride. When I did my post about my quick write, I only took the base and idea of it since what I wrote in my composition book wasn’t a fully though out piece of writing. As for my idea for the thrill ride, I wanted to talk about something I enjoyed in my life, so what better topic to write about than roller coasters? Thinking of a new topic to write about was harder than having a brain stormed quick write or a self expressing response post, but it is definitely more fun to remember what fun I had back at that time, and how I long those days of summer days I had in Universal Studios.
    The thing that gets me to write is the clock that ticks every second, mocking me and my resemblance of a snail. My wait until the last day to do homework has been haunting me ever since I was in sixth grade for I hate the boredom of doing homework so much that my mind randomly picks out anything and everything distracting to keep me from concentrating. This constant distraction usually stops when I get my work rolling, but that takes too much time that I generally don’t have. This leads me into my problem with writer’s block.
    Stopping and Starting my work is an extremely inefficient way of working, but it sometimes happens without noticing. Normally I stop to think every time I need a stronger choice of vocabulary to choose to, so I always have a tab just for the thesaurus. I tend to dwell on this problem for a long time since it takes me a while to find my so called “perfect word” that fits marvelously inside the text. Sometimes I would go onto the thesaurus online and look up a synonym for the word, but my fastidiousness would have me traveling page to page, looking for a word that does not even exist in the English language. When this happens, I feel like a failure for I had spent at least five minutes trying to look for the word, and I ended up with the word I found in the first five seconds of the impossible search.
    Ordinarily, I get myself unstuck by zapping myself with a gun of realization, pulling me out of the never ending wild goose chase for intelligence in my preference of words, but sometime it would take me an hour or two to realize that I have totally drove off track. It would sometimes take me an hour or two mainly because of my quickness to get distracted by random things that suddenly become way more interesting than the original thing I was supposed to be doing, homework. I have figured out that my mind practically can not understand and process homework until about eight or nine o’ clock at night, with an exception of extremely important assignments that require an enormous amount of time like projects and essays. This would lead me to work until midnight or as late at three in the morning. Sleeping at three a.m. gives me only four out of the eight hours of sleep a normal human being my age requires when I wake up at seven in the morning to go to school. This procrastination leads to decreased amount of sleep which in turn leads to yawning during class all day and drowsy eyes that have troubles staying open, which in turn leads to poor attention towards class and lowered knowledge of vital information taught by the teacher.
    I love the idea of blog posting since this allows everybody in all of the classes to read, respond, and even share the piece of wordy art. Responses that other classmates post help give another point of view of the original piece like how I responded to Shiyun’s post about how people refer to each other as friends and how each friend is grouped and treated differently. I responded to her post by saying how I label people and how I, personally, treat them. These past two and a half months of weekly blogging has taught me how to go with the flow of writing, and confidently talk about any subject that is on my mind.
I have noticed how I can whip out three paragraphs of a topic easily within an hour.
    As for now, my main goal is to stop procrastinating on my homework, and I know that it will take way more effort to actually follow this rule than to simply say it. I think that without procrastination of homework in my life, everything would be easier. From waking up, to being awake and safe when biking to school, to paying attention at school, and to my own personal health, doing my homework earlier will only result in positive results.

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