Friday, April 1, 2011

Response to Vignettes

After reading many vignettes, I have decided to respond to the ones Devin, Mercedes, and Sam did because they all have a vignette that relates to how teachers affect their school lives. I found that Devin was a little bit mad, Mercedes was happy, and Sam was upset. 

A teacher sees this conversation and comes over.“Both of you are getting another detention,” he says.
In Devin's situation, the teacher is punishing Devin for something that was not Devin's fault. It was Devin's friend who kept talking, and it should have only been him that should have gotten in trouble. Devin is wronged by the teacher, and has to pay the price for the teacher's mistake.

On top of that, the teacher was in-comforting.  He would literally have temper tantrums and throw instruments against the wall.  I, as a trumpet player had to empty the water build up in my instrument that after a few songs would appear.  To do this I had to open a little valve and blow through the instrument.  When the teacher grew angry, I still had to use this same process.  When he heard someone emptying the water, he would scream at them, so I had to blow out of my trumpet as quietly as possible.  I slowly would allow the clear water to leave the instrument, the water of the trumpet mixing with the sweat dripping from my for head.  I wanted nothing more then for the period to end.  When it did, I just went home scared not relieved.

Sam seems to be pressured by the band teacher. This is shameful towards the band teacher for an obvious reason, teachers are at school to guide students to success, not scare them from trying to reach it. The band teacher has no reason to get angry at a student for releasing their puddle of spit when he does it himself too. In fact, every brass player has to do this, so becoming angry at a student for doing what they are supposed to do is unreasonable and unbelievable. Sam should not have to be scared of school. The whole point of a public school in an environment like Alameda is so that students could feel safe everyday they step onto campus. Sam's mental abuse by the band teacher must have changed his perspective of school. Sam probably did not like going to school as much.

 I was in the advanced core class. The supposed "GATE" class, though no one really cared. Thankfully, I had a good teacher. Making things somewhat better.
Unlike Devin and Sam, Mercedes' mentioned teacher was supportive. This lead to Mercedes liking school more even with her being the school's alien. This shows how a great teacher leaves a student feeling better about themselves and what they are doing.

In the end, my point is that teachers should be more considerate towards their students since helping students succeed and feel safe is the main reason of being a teacher.

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