Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response to Vincent

I read this great quote from Vincent's blog. It talks about how his life and dreams have changed by a death of someone that was important to him.
"That was a road that I have created for myself when I was young, but as I grew older, another rode soon begin to form. My dream of becoming a DJ slowly disappeared and something much more important appeared in front of me."
 I can relate to this. I used to want to get paid as someone that works and studies bugs and other crawling critters. I loved them since I grew up with an outdoor garden that had many little creatures. My parents weren't afraid of regular, everyday bugs, influencing me to love them as well. When my mother worked in the garden, I tagged along, digging into the moist, dark brown soil for things I could play with. I used to love playing with worms, snails, ladybugs, and other insects like bees which I continued to love despite having red, swollen hands caused by them. This stopped after I learned more and more about these animals. I found out that spiders, bees, caterpillars, and some other bugs are not things that should be messed with for fun. This changed my perspective of fun little bugs that I could control into dangerous, poisonous, disgusting pests that need to stay as far away from me as possible.
"Our dreams can be shape in many ways, and there many things that can influence on the type of road that a person want to venture into. What I learned from that day was that a particular experience is able to change a person's life forever. That particular experience had already came for me, and it had forever marked me onto the rode of becoming a lawyer."
I agree with Vincent that one experience in one's life could affect them their whole lives. I don't have any one that I cared about die yet, but I did have a few pets. When one of my cats got killed by a car, I was so sad that I trembled when I thought about it too much. This also happened when my one and only dog died the same way. I didn't know until I returned to Australia to visit. I questioned about it for a long time only to be disappointed. I cried, but I felt that it made me feel stronger. After getting over my beloved pets, I felt a little bit lighter from a load of sadness and tears, and stronger since I knew that I have the power to control and contain my emotions.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Just tried to score you some traffic:
