Friday, September 17, 2010

Response to Nawara

I found this quote from Nawara's blog:
I was in a community where we succeed in higher educational standards. As a freshman, I was scared. I felt like I was not going to succeed even though I was accepted, I did not feel like I was ready. While the year went on, I became to fully understand the requirements and expectations to succeed as an ASTI student.
 I have pretty much the exact same feelings Nawara had. I feel that I am not fully ready to take on this advanced school, and that even though the teachers would help me throughout my Alameda Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) experience, I would somehow fall behind and get lost in the work. This first month of school has been easier than I expected, thanks to our teachers who know how to slowly but steadily increase our work pace. At a pace that we are capable of following, and even surpassing. This serves as a vital factor for us to not be dangling behind our peers' tails of success. Having teacher who know how to adjust us to this early college high school makes me relieved for I am in good hands.
 Understanding that I have to start this journey frightens me and also shows that I am growing up. I fear that I will make big mistakes and will not be able to change from them. I fear I will not have as much dedication to my education and just slack off.
I also fear that I will slack off when my work becomes too unbearable and I lose motivation. This first month's work hasn't been out of the ordinary, but I know it would get multiple times harder. I know this is just the very start of this soon to be rigorous adventure of education, and that I would have so much work to do that it would be necessary to drop all of my free-time fun . In later months of school, I would probably wish it was still the first month of school, and I could relax with such low amounts of home and class work. I would wish for this first month like how I used to wish to be a carefree kindergartner. In the end, all I can do now is to do my best, and hope that it is enough.

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