Monday, September 13, 2010

Rebuttal for Con Abortion with Alex Noble

    In this post, we are rebutting this act of discrimination against aborting handicapped babies with Downs Syndrome.  Our opening statement can be found here and the pro sides opening statement is here.

1 in 800 babies are born with Down Syndrome, and 1 to 4000 males/1 to 8000 females are diagnosed with X syndrome; It is unfair to bring a child into the world who will face a lifetime of handicap-ability.
    In this quote, the pro side is saying that babies that are disabled shouldn't deserve a chance to live and they should be aborted. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 gives protection to people with disabilities equal rights. People with Downs Syndrome are still humans and should not be discriminated or terminated before they have the mere chance of living and enjoying the wonderful cycle of life.

    73% mothers who have abortions do so because their finances would not be able to support another human being, while 38% say that their baby would interfere greatly with their studies or pursuit of their career.  If the mother is unable of providing for her incoming infant then it should be her choice on whether or not to keep the child.

    When the pro side said this,  it seemed that they suggested that abortion should be used as a birth control. When people use abortion as birth control it is very costly to the family finances and the couple`s mental health. This idea of a backup plan to save the couple from their mistake decreases a couple’s carefulness. The couple wouldn’t think more thoughtfully upon using any protection, and would carelessly have sex.

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