Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Q's lack of perspective

The Aquatic Uncle
Q's defining characteristic is that he constantly misunderstands other character. Q always jumps to conclusions, and thinks in his own angle. He thought that just because Uncle N' ba N'ga wasn't on land, he wasn't happy.
“We had made various attempts to get him on land with us, and we went on making them;” (Page 73) and “Uncle, if you only knew how sorry we feel leaving you all alone, at your age, in the midst of all the dampness...” (Page 73)
Q jumps to conclusions that uncle N’ba N’ga needs help just because he is old. Though this shows his kindness and perseverance, he doesn’t stop to notice how his great-uncle truly prefers the waters over the arid lands. Later, Uncle N’ba N’ga even convinces Q’s girlfriend Lll, a fish with fins adapted to land, to marry and live with him. Though Uncle N’ba N’ga makes it extremely clear that he wants nothing to do with the land Q lives on, Q just sticks to what he thinks, and ignores Uncle N’ba N’ga.
"But every time an opportunity occurred, I postponed it, out of embarrassment; knowing the prejudices among which she had been brough up, I hadn't yet dared tell Lll that my great-uncle was a fish." (Page 75)

This shows how self-conscious Q is, and how low of pride he has for himself. Q thinks that because Lll is different from the fish Uncle N'ga N'ba is, Lll would not tolerate his ways of life. Q fears that once Lll meets his old-fashioned great-uncle, she would think otherwise of him. Instead, When Lll meets Uncle N'ba N'ga, she is fascinated of what he has to share, and even sneaks away from Q just to meet him again.
"One of those questions you ask just to make conversation:as if she cared about those rushes!" (Page 76)
Q jumps to the conclusion that Q didn't care the least bit of what Uncle N'ba N'ga had to say just because he was different. Unlike Q, Lll looked at Uncle N'ba N'ga's point of view, and was so impressed of the sea that she left Q for it. Lll showed that she cared about what Q's great-uncle had to say by asking more and more questions, but Q just simply assumed that Lll wasn't interested what his fishy great-uncle had to say.
Qfwfq was too arrogant to see Uncle N'ba N'ga's and Lll's perspective of the sea, and lost his girlfriend because of that.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jurassic Park: The Ride

The most exhilarating thrill ride I have ever experienced is the Jurassic Park: The Ride in Universal Studios Hollywood, CA. 

First, the boat enters the water and calming, but adventurous music plays in the background. A man narrates your ride, telling you what is happening and what you are seeing. You travel inside the jungle of the Jurassic Park, and realistic, life sized dinosaurs appear out of the bushes and water, spraying all of the passengers with water. Dinosaurs like the Ultrasaurs, Stegosaurs, and other dinosaurs appear spontaneously, surprising your senses.The calming music stops, and gets replaced by tense, sudden music. You could hear electricity sparking while the dinosaurs screech. It is interrupted by muffled radio transmissions warning the boat that danger was ahead. 

You are transported to a route where the park is torn apart, and a smashed car falls off the ledge. High-pitched shrieking from dinosaurs with frills attacks your ears while they spray liquid at your face. Extremely realistic dinosaurs stalk and break through to you while you go through a tunnel surrounded with pipes. The dinosaurs break the pipes, exploding gases that are supposedly poisonous to you, giving you an adrenaline rush. Everything becomes pitch-black when suddenly loud emergency sirens blast out of control, mixing with the ear-piercing shrills from the dinosaurs.You finally see light coming from where you are escaping to, but all of a sudden the music becomes louder and louder, rising to a climax where a lady in the background says this area will self-destruct in 15 seconds. This is when a gigantic Tyrannosaurus Rex appears in front of you, scaring the daylights out of you. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one says the robotic lady, and when the whole vehicle is about to be eaten by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the passengers go straight down on a 84 foot gravity-defying plunge. Everyone inside the raft becomes completely soaked and extremely electrified from the thrilling ride. 

This is the most blood-tingling and mind-blowing water-based amusement ride anyone could ever try. This has adventure, lifelike dinosaurs, and even a heart-stopping drop. Everyone on this Earth should be perceived of this amazing ride. Consent should not be necessary to go to and enjoy this ride.  There isn't much more a person could ask for in this eye-popping five-minute experience.

Response to David Su

I was reading David Su's blog and I found some quotes I can really relate to:
Before and during a speech or a conference, I become extremely nervous and feel the need rush. I want to get the speech or my part of the conversation over with. When this happens, it tends to imply that I will shake my legs or stutter.
 I have the same bad habits as David. When I read a paper in front on the class, my leg starts moving around like it has its own mind, and my mind tells me to speed up my reading and get it over with. My whole body gets cold, and I get chills down my spine. I sometimes read the wrong words or even skip a line when I am nervous. My eyes want to get over with the text so fast that I lose focus of where I am reading, and when I look up to the audience, I see everyone staring or gossiping at me.
In my opinion, I believe that i become nervous because I know that there is something on the line; my grade. Usually when I normally talk to friends or teachers as a casual talk, I feel fine because there is nothing that could influence greatly on my future. 
I also feel that I only get nervous when I speak in front of a crowd because I don't want to screw up badly. This self-conflict leads to me worrying about reading the paper, which distracts me, making me confused of what I am supposed to read. This also happens when I write a paper that I don't proof-read. When it is time to actually read the paper, I find many mistakes that throw me off course, making me have to think on the spot of what I was actually saying, and change it before I look really unprepared and dumb. Usually, the teacher sees right through this, and instantly deducts points, leading me to learn my lesson and regret spending those few extra minutes reading what I have written over again to check for mistakes.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ten Vocabulary Words

  1. acquisition
  2. commision
  3. perceived
  4. consent
  5. reliance
  6. integration
  7. entity
  8. liberal
  9. medial
  10. subsequent

My Superpower

If I had a super power it would be the ability to create an item by visualizing it in your mind. Others might want to fly or have super speed, but if you could make things with your mind, you could just visualize a jet pack to fly or a race car for speed. You could make up anything you want from guns to fight crime to food to fight poverty. Visualizing items is the best super power since you could do whatever you wanted since you controlled matter.

Another super power that would be covered by my supreme power is laser eyes. You need to have glasses to control your laser eye beams, but if you had a laser gun, it would be much simpler. You wouldn't need diamond skin to protect yourself because you could just imagine bulletproof or even grenade-proof shields and armor that would protect you when against loaded murderers. Invisibility is another superpower wanted by many. This is replaced by simply creating an invisibility cloak. Breathing underwater wouldn't be a problem for you have unlimited oxygen tanks.

This superpower is one of the handiest and most useful one there is. When going to the airport, you wouldn't ever need to bring luggage or go shopping for new clothes at the mall since you could just get a new outfit in a matter of seconds. Everything necessary for everyday living would be at the tip of your fingers. Whenever you are thirsty or hungry, food is one visualization away. You could even create your own private island where it would be customized and built without spending a penny. It could have a huge mansion and everything you could imagine. Whenever you are tired, you could just imagine the most comfortable bed that could ever exist on Earth. It could be just condensed fluffy clouds or whatever you would like. This superpower would be the one that that literally brings your dreams to life.

Response to Nawara

I found this quote from Nawara's blog:
I was in a community where we succeed in higher educational standards. As a freshman, I was scared. I felt like I was not going to succeed even though I was accepted, I did not feel like I was ready. While the year went on, I became to fully understand the requirements and expectations to succeed as an ASTI student.
 I have pretty much the exact same feelings Nawara had. I feel that I am not fully ready to take on this advanced school, and that even though the teachers would help me throughout my Alameda Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) experience, I would somehow fall behind and get lost in the work. This first month of school has been easier than I expected, thanks to our teachers who know how to slowly but steadily increase our work pace. At a pace that we are capable of following, and even surpassing. This serves as a vital factor for us to not be dangling behind our peers' tails of success. Having teacher who know how to adjust us to this early college high school makes me relieved for I am in good hands.
 Understanding that I have to start this journey frightens me and also shows that I am growing up. I fear that I will make big mistakes and will not be able to change from them. I fear I will not have as much dedication to my education and just slack off.
I also fear that I will slack off when my work becomes too unbearable and I lose motivation. This first month's work hasn't been out of the ordinary, but I know it would get multiple times harder. I know this is just the very start of this soon to be rigorous adventure of education, and that I would have so much work to do that it would be necessary to drop all of my free-time fun . In later months of school, I would probably wish it was still the first month of school, and I could relax with such low amounts of home and class work. I would wish for this first month like how I used to wish to be a carefree kindergartner. In the end, all I can do now is to do my best, and hope that it is enough.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rebuttal for Con Abortion with Alex Noble

    In this post, we are rebutting this act of discrimination against aborting handicapped babies with Downs Syndrome.  Our opening statement can be found here and the pro sides opening statement is here.

1 in 800 babies are born with Down Syndrome, and 1 to 4000 males/1 to 8000 females are diagnosed with X syndrome; It is unfair to bring a child into the world who will face a lifetime of handicap-ability.
    In this quote, the pro side is saying that babies that are disabled shouldn't deserve a chance to live and they should be aborted. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 gives protection to people with disabilities equal rights. People with Downs Syndrome are still humans and should not be discriminated or terminated before they have the mere chance of living and enjoying the wonderful cycle of life.

    73% mothers who have abortions do so because their finances would not be able to support another human being, while 38% say that their baby would interfere greatly with their studies or pursuit of their career.  If the mother is unable of providing for her incoming infant then it should be her choice on whether or not to keep the child.

    When the pro side said this,  it seemed that they suggested that abortion should be used as a birth control. When people use abortion as birth control it is very costly to the family finances and the couple`s mental health. This idea of a backup plan to save the couple from their mistake decreases a couple’s carefulness. The couple wouldn’t think more thoughtfully upon using any protection, and would carelessly have sex.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010