Monday, May 2, 2011

Peer Review Comments

My peer review comments

Here are the comments I left for my tablemates' rough drafts...

For Karen:

I think that you did a good job so far with the characters, but I think you should really add another question to respond to since you only have about 600 words! Maybe you can write about the author's purpose of the book, like the point she is trying to get across?

For Eric:

I think you might need to add some quotes to add some words since you only have about 800 words. You should also take some summary out of this. It should have way more analysis. Plus, you can maybe add another question that you respond to.

For Devin:

First of all, get a more fitting title, haha. I thought that you saying this book wouldn't appeal to adults should have more evidence. I am sure a lot of adults would read the book not because of the cover. You might need some quotes that show this book is childish or something?

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